What is wireframing?

Wireframing is an essential part of the web design process. Sometimes it goes on behind the scenes, but it'll have ramifications of you don't put the work in at the start. This blog posts seeks to expose why web designers, and developers, should be wireframing in the project life cycle.

Wireframing is a way to design a website at the structural level. A wireframe is commonly used to layout content & functionality on a page which takes into account user needs and user journeys.

Here’s 3 reasons to wireframe:


During wireframing, web designers have the chance to focus on user experience. This removes any unnecessary distractions such as colour and imagery. It forces the designer to think carefully about layout and structure.


A hand drawn wireframe can take minutes to draw, and almost anyone can have a go. It’s similar to brainstorming, where any idea is welcome. Designers, developers, project managers and even clients can pitch in with a pencil and paper.


Designing on the computer requires software and a machine, whereas paper costs pennies. It’s also cheaper in the long run, as quick alterations during wireframing can eliminate the need for expensive changes in the long-run. Tweaking a drawing is far quicker than tweaking HTML and CSS.

A service such as Cacoo will help you design and share your wireframes.

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