Website checklist before launch

Launching a new website can be daunting, and fraught will little niggles. The website design and development has all been leading to this launch stage! Below is a list of tasks you can complete to ensure a smooth website launch.

Check Spellings

Review all headings, paragraphs, links, buttons and company contact details for correct spelling & grammar throughout the website.

Manually check all the website links to ensure that all the relevant pages exist. Your web developer should be able to setup redirects if you've changed page URLs. This includes both internal and external links along with social media buttons.

Check contact forms

Test the website contact form with dummy data to ensure that the emails arrive in the correct inbox, rather than the SPAM folder.

Check on mobile

Go through each page of your website on a variety of different devices to double check that it looks great in every format. Ask your colleagues to assist with this task.

Check blog posts

Ensure that you can create new website blog posts, and know how to set categories, tags and features images within your Content Management System.

Check Analytics

Login to your website Analytics package to check that it's capturing information properly and that you know how to use it.

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